'This was the first one that actually had to be rebuilt too, and it is a very strange feeling to play something from such a major franchise that you know probably hasn't been played in years.' 'During my time with the team, I've curated a couple hundred games, but only two or three that I'd consider previously 'lost,' Kroooooooo said. BlueMaxima's Flashpoint is a community initiative aimed at saving old Adobe Flash games from dusty servers before their websites go dead-or, as in this case, reviving them from the crypt. U/Kroooooooo's passion is abandoned internet history. In fact, they didn't even remember ever playing it when it was live.
'I wasn't hunting for this specific game when I found it,' u/Kroooooooo said. Though it was a labour of love for Powercell Freak, the game itself wasn't as important as the process for u/Kroooooooo. After Powercell Freak supplied these missing parts, u/Kroooooooo and their team at BlueMaxima's Flashpoint were able to get the game fully running.